Ik geef 5 kaartjes weg! Wie doet ermee?
ps. voor wie niet wil swappen, je kan de kaartjes nog altijd kopen. 5 euro voor 5 kaartjes. Gewoon even mailen of berichtje achter laten 🙂
I miss taking photos so much. When I finish my master, I’ll be picking up my camera again. it’s been 2 years now. I took some time off from my camera and it feels good to be back. I have lots of ideas 🙂 (feeling creative lately). Some projects I’ll be working on when school is finished:
-photoshoot with 2 beautiful sisters.
-taking photos for a wedding
-doing a project for Z33 ( culture centre Hasselt)
-making logo’s for IFM and a friend
Hmm. looking forward to do this.
Here is some inspiration that I collected when browsing the net!
this one makes me think about my own project 🙂