Big Day :)

Hi guys,

How are you doing !
today was a great day 🙂 I got awake at 04.00 a.m. It felt like there was someone in my room and I just couldn’t relax so I got up for a few minutes and after that I got back in bed (so insane warm compared with my room home). At 07.00 a.m. I woke up again because my cell was ringing… didn’t know the number so I was doubtful answering. After a few seconds I decided to take the call and I got someone talking to me from the radio. I was like o.k 😀 I didn’t really knew which radio station was calling me and after a short interview they told me it was radio 2 and they would call me back an half hour later so that’s what happend.(

They called me, asked some stuff about my project and that was it. My 5 minutes of fame 😉
After that I got back to sleep because there wasn’t any episode of gossip girl or priviliged I could watch (what a disappointment). I also read my book from gossip girl at bed. Couldn’t compare…:)

In the afternoon I got a newspaper to look for my interview and it was fun reading. I also got some answers from people who wanted to help me but I don’t know if these thins our going to work…I’ll try (tell you more about it later). I’ll take a scan and put it online later (don’t have a scanner at my room here)

I also worked for school and went out for a while…just walking the streets and do some shops. When I came back home I realized I didn’t got any food except some little things like bread and cornflakes so I improvised me some dinner with all the remains. Haha, pretty nasty but hey 😉

How are you doing ?
Tell me about it…

5 thoughts on “Big Day :)

  1. hihi

    kheb een kei leuke telefoon gekregen waardoor ik nu (normaal gezien als alles goed loopt hé) met helium zit voor meer dan 2000 ballonnen, hoe supercool is dat wel niet! 😀 ik ben in de wolken (hoe toepasselijk)

    het grappigste van al: men project is nog niet goed gekeurd 😀 muaha 😀

    en ge weet toch nog dat ik u ga nodig hebben om mijn tekst in te spreken hé :p voor men film 😀 in het zweeds! 😀

  2. hhihihi ^^

    ik ga binnenkort nog afspreken met u
    en met rosie ook! 😀 waar hangt ge door de week nu eigenlijk uit? 😀 want anders kom ik is af ne keer!!! 😀 kheb maar 2 dagen les 😉

    eindelijk.. daar hebk 3 jaar voor afgezien!


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