Pete = LUL

Yesterday I went to see Fall Out Boy at AB Brussels.
I had a nice time, hanging out with my boyfriend but the FOB act wasn’t as good as I hoped. I enjoyed being there but that’s it.
We also really got irritated by some (read: many) girls who couldn’t stop screaming for Pete.( Pete was really taking all the attention and I was irritated as hell. The only thing I can say, they really play well live… it was as perfect as their album, I only missed a good show (like Paramore had).

I took some pictures with my fisheye camera, I’ll put them online soon. (Need to develop first)

I had my canon with me too so I’ll have some pictures from our trip home to show you 🙂

I always seem to catch bottles (Paramore, Fall Out Boy). This one landed just in front of me (read: I got some refreshing time) and nobody cared about it lying on the floor (because they all were looking at Pete and this bottle didn’t came from him ;)).

Late night kisses

imitating ‘the bleeders’ from Push. (we know)

Jan and the magic bottle



My presentation/chat for my thesis went very well. So now it’s time to get ready for my next presentation thursday. It’s been hell these week (still isn’t over). But time for some happy happy joy news:
tonight I’m going to see Fall Out Boy!! (*get’s here voice ready!*)
For all the ones who are going, have fun and see you there?

(haha, they look so young at this one !!)
