Verjaardagskaartjes te koop!

Een tijdje geleden maakte ik zelf verjaardagskaartjes, deze werden oa verkocht op wat marktjes en beurzen maar nu kan je ze ook via mijn blog kopen. De kaartjes zitten verpakt per 5 en kosten 5 euro. Je kan de kaartjes ook apart kopen voor 1,25 euro per kaartje. De kaartjes zijn allemaal uniek want de vlagjes op de achterzijde zijn allemaal met de hand geknipt en opgeplakt.

De kaartjes moeten niet in een envelop en kunnen zo de post op.

Mail gerust indien jullie een pakketje willen!


Fashion Tuesday: Roses by Natalie.

Hi everyone.

How is your tuesday going?
I don’t have to work today so I’m busy keeping everything up to date out here and also enjoying some free time off course.

I have some beautiful earrings I want to share with you. I received them a week ago with a little card wishing me congrats with my new home. It was the sweetest thing. I never really met Natalie (except the time I was selling my christmas cards to her ;)) but she’s so sweet and I hope we can meet really soon.

In the meantime, please make a visit at her blog. She’s sweet and makes the perfect earrings, what do you want more?


ps. I went to retro-day this weekend. My collection is growing. Selling starts soon.


housewarming invitations

(selfmade birthday present)

Friday: going out for dinner with accounting friends, birthday party Tamara (made her a present as you see!)
Saturday: thinking about the pregnancy series and searching for a nice place to take the pictures. buy a new Mac for my dad, visit Jan’s parents. Buy a lot of alcohol for our housewarming party and trying to put together nice playlists. Watching Heroes. Yes!

how was your weekend?

X love, Melissa