Binnen een weekje…

zit ik lekker in Seville met drie prachtige vriendinnen!

Daar gaan we uiteraard leuke dingen doen zoals:

– Een kreeft worden in een gemiddelde temperatuur van 37 graden

– samen lekkere ijsjes eten en tapas! Yum (totdat we erbij neervallen)

– de zon zien ondergaan en opgaan (zo romantisch dat we zijn). Liefst zonder een stuk in ons klote…

– shoppen (tis toch solden in Spanje ook hé?)

– vrouwenavondjes houden! We zijn meisjes voor iets

-cocktails drinken op het terras van ons super hostel!

– vooral veel lachen en genieten!

En vooral niet:

-slecht weer hebben

-mijn maandelijkse periode hebben _ das gewoon shit.

-in een dubbel geboekt kamertje zitten in ons superleuk hostel waar we zo lang naar gezocht hebben!

-ongelukkig zijn om stomme dingen!

-ruzie maken 😉

(images via weheartit)

Iemand nog tips voor Seville? 🙂


Ik ben weg van 8 tot 12 juli! 🙂


housewarming invitations

(selfmade birthday present)

Friday: going out for dinner with accounting friends, birthday party Tamara (made her a present as you see!)
Saturday: thinking about the pregnancy series and searching for a nice place to take the pictures. buy a new Mac for my dad, visit Jan’s parents. Buy a lot of alcohol for our housewarming party and trying to put together nice playlists. Watching Heroes. Yes!

how was your weekend?

X love, Melissa


Hmm. I enjoyed the weekend 🙂
I really needed some time off. Friday and Saturday I went to Groezrock. It was nice to do something outside because I’ve been working for school the whole week and it was getting really stressy. It feels better.

I’ve got no pictures from Groez but here are the bands I wanted to see (and I did, we only skipped Campus (because we had to wait 1,5 hours to get in there!!!! wtf!!! and the last bands from Saturday because we were tired and wanted to go to a party from a friend, which was nice to do. dancing!!! (oh I’ve missed it so much))

Today I visited the grandparents from my boyfriend and my own grandparents and we talked about how they grow up and about their own parents. With these stories I want to make a book. I think it’s really nice to hear them talk. It comforts me. Will I have grandchildren one day myself? Will they be as excited as me about their past? Hmm. It feels good to look at these pictures.

I’ll post some here if I find the time to scan.

Love and yours,