Big Day :)

Hi guys,

How are you doing !
today was a great day 🙂 I got awake at 04.00 a.m. It felt like there was someone in my room and I just couldn’t relax so I got up for a few minutes and after that I got back in bed (so insane warm compared with my room home). At 07.00 a.m. I woke up again because my cell was ringing… didn’t know the number so I was doubtful answering. After a few seconds I decided to take the call and I got someone talking to me from the radio. I was like o.k 😀 I didn’t really knew which radio station was calling me and after a short interview they told me it was radio 2 and they would call me back an half hour later so that’s what happend.(

They called me, asked some stuff about my project and that was it. My 5 minutes of fame 😉
After that I got back to sleep because there wasn’t any episode of gossip girl or priviliged I could watch (what a disappointment). I also read my book from gossip girl at bed. Couldn’t compare…:)

In the afternoon I got a newspaper to look for my interview and it was fun reading. I also got some answers from people who wanted to help me but I don’t know if these thins our going to work…I’ll try (tell you more about it later). I’ll take a scan and put it online later (don’t have a scanner at my room here)

I also worked for school and went out for a while…just walking the streets and do some shops. When I came back home I realized I didn’t got any food except some little things like bread and cornflakes so I improvised me some dinner with all the remains. Haha, pretty nasty but hey 😉

How are you doing ?
Tell me about it…

BALLOON 3 ! Ahoy!

Balloon 3 has been found! 🙂 The question was ‘what did you last cry about?’, the answer was quite emotional and recognizable. I don’t want to tell you everything because my book has to be a complete interesting journey for you.

The answer came from Lokeren.

So that’s my good news I wanted to share with you all before I went to bed. I hope tomorrow is going to be a nice day, I’ll be meeting my essay lecturer. Nervous about that 🙂 After that I’ll have lunch with Raf and Tamara so we can discuss our party that’s coming up in February… Lots of work has been done but still a lot to do next… I’ll keep you all updated!

See you tomorrow,