Movie Time (Cashback)

Hoi daar!
Vorige week nam ik de tijd om ’s avonds nog eens gezellig met Jan in de zetel te kruipen en een film te kijken.
Ik mocht kiezen en dit was mijn keuze: “Cashback”.

Een leuke film! Een aanrader voor iedereen die graag de combinatie heeft van alternatieve, liefdesfilm met een leuke, humoristische ondertoon. Het is weird maar niet TE weird (Jan vond hem leuk, dat wil zeggen dat de film niet TE gek was ;-))

De film gaat over een koppel dat uit elkaar gaat. We volgen de jongen na deze break-up en krijgen zijn slaapproblemen te zien die hij oplost door in een nachtwinkel te gaan werken, wat daar gebeurt, moeten jullie zelf maar checken!

Mooie film.
Ik vond alvast deze quote heel erg mooi:

Once upon a time, I wanted to know what love was. Love is there if you want it to be. You just have to see that it’s wrapped in beauty and hidden away in between the seconds of your life. If you don’t stop for a minute, you might miss it.

Hopperdehop, voor al wie er zin in heeft: veel kijkplezier!

Link naar trailer


ps. binnenkort zal mijn blog een beetje ‘overhoop’ liggen want we bouwen stilletjes aan een nieuwe. Eentje met fijne links, tekeningen, foto’s en ads (wie wil adverteren mag altijd wat info opvragen!)

Monday Movie Time : The vicious kind

Friday evening I watched “the vicious kind” with Jan.
I love almost every move from the sundance film festival so I was totally ready for this one 😉

I like the movie but because I hate open endings, this movie wasn’t really the best one for me 😉

The movie is about a young girl who spends her Thanksgiving holiday at her new boyfriend’s home and meets his family. The relationship between the two brothers, a father trying to connect with his sons and the young woman who gets between the three of them. The story begins when Caleb Sinclaire reluctantly picks up his brother Peter at college and brings him and his new girlfriend Emma home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Caleb, who recently broke up with his long-time girlfriend and is wary of relationships, warns Peter that Emma will end up hurting him, but he can’t stop himself from being drawn to her. As Caleb’s infatuation with Emma grows, he must decide whether to act on his feelings or protect his brother’s first love.

It’s not a typical movie and it really gives you this indie feeling and that’s really what I like about movies. The movie is not really a big story though. I would give the movie a 7 out of 10.


PS. I just LOVE the movie poster! do you?

my final project.

Like I promised. My project “Stories”.
This is my final project. I made my own modern adaptations of Snow white & Rapunzel based on their symbolic meaning: growing up and every aspect of being a young adult. Have a look. I’m proud.

Movie & Book
(Get to know yourself and the world)

Snow White.
Movie & Book
(the ephemerality of beauty)

Snow White from Melissa Milis on Vimeo.

Prison Break / Benjamin Button

Yesterday I went to the movies and I saw “The curious case of Benjamin Button”. The movie was a.o.k but a little bit too long I think. It was heartbreaking at the end 😉

Now for all the ones who followed Prison break, the scofield-burrows brotherly love is coming to an end. The series wil end forever this spring (April 17th). I think it’s the right thing to do… 🙂

So to all of you: have a great day (my whispers from yesterday came true: the sun was great today!)

Tonight I’m going to a party (can’t tell you all the details but I will post more later ;))
Gotta go, I’m making pancakes. seeya!
